OK, let's do it !

Verimai: raštu, žodžiu, gyvai, nuotoliu per kompiuterį, seminarai, konferencijos, santuoka, notarinėje. Galimas vertėjo patvirtinimas +notaro +apostilė. Išrašomos sąskaitos.
Kalbos: lietuvių, anglų, švedų, rusų, ukrainiečių, norv. gru. est. latv. ir kt.
Переводы: писменно, устно, удалённо, семинары, конференции, ЗАГС, нораиус. По неопходимости заверяет переводчик, +нотариус, +апостиль. Выписиваем счет-фактуру. Русский, украинский, английский, литовский, шведский, норв. дат. латв. эст.
Translations: written, verbal interpretations, live, remotely via Teams/Zoom/Skype. Seminars, conferences, marriage, notary deals. Certified translation by translator +by notar, +apostille, if needed. English, Lithuanian, Russian, Ukrainian, Swedish, LV, EE, GE, NO, DK, NL, etc.

Service with a Smile
Fast, friendly, and fully guaranteed, my Translator services have earned confidence and good reputation. Since 1997, I’ve been handling projects with the skill and professionalism my clients have come to expect - from official institutions like embassies, police departments, court trials and ministries, to private companies and corporations and other translation bureaus. No matter what's your topic - engineering, IT, mechanics, medicine, tourism, food industry, spiritual or psychology - feel free to ask for the service.

Fast, Professional, Flexible
Aside the main language pairs of Lithuanian/ English/ Swedish /Russian, I offer help with other languages as well: Latvian, Estonian, Sakartvelo(Georgian), Dutch, Spanish, Polish - closely cooperating with my best coleagues.

Calls, Events, Seminars
Get this service done quickly and efficiently. I understand how important it is to feel confident and worry free when it comes to the Translator you choose. That’s why I invest the time and energy necessary to be well prepared for any unique requests or special concerns my clients may have.

at your service
Get the results you deserve with this quality service, and at an affordable price too! As a professional Translator, I bring my experience and know-how with me on every job. But what really sets my services apart from the rest of the industry is my attention to detail and receptiveness to the unique needs of each client.
I would love the opportunity to work with you. Get in touch with me today.